
When the Church exists in every continent, and is more geographically dispersed and culturally diverse than ever before, it’s exciting to think about what we as His body can do together for the advance of Christ’s kingdom. Interface is a Simply Mobilizing program that aims to help local churches move forward on their journey to becoming missional, and to help churches facilitate God’s people to live a life on mission with God.


INTERFACE is a Simply Mobilizing core program that focuses on the development of Missional Churches. It seeks to answer the question, “What does a ‘mobilized church’ or a ‘church on a mission with God’ look like?”


Event. The first part of the Interface program is an interactive seminar (event) that looks at the theology and key components of what makes a local church missional. It is designed to be delivered

in five (5) hours to groups of pastors, various levels of local church leadership, and even with an entire congregation.

Process. Following the seminar, the Interface program consists of consultations and activities (process) to help churches move towards the full expression of missional thinking and practice through an entire local church.


The Interface program explores Biblical, Historical, and Strategic areas of mission

study — strongly emphasizing God’s  overall purpose and plan for the world, the missional growth of the early Church, and what it means for us, His people, to be on mission with God today.


INTERFACE is designed to accommodate existing denominational/church values, procedures and policies. INTERFACE will be conducted by selected and trained SM Mobilizers who have been especially trained. The program can also be run in person, or on an online platform.


The world is changing, but God’s purpose and plan for His people remain the same. In this exciting nine-session study, discover God’s plan for the world and your role in it, and gain a wider and deeper perspective of His mission in the world.


KAIROS is a foundational course on world Christian mission. It brings out God’s heart for all the nations of the world and His desire to use His people to be a blessing to them.

     KAIROS emphasizes the importance of ministering to cultures that still have few or no indigenous churches.

KAIROS is designed to educate, inspire and challenge Christians to meaningful participation in God’s heart for all the nations.

     It is a tool God is using to help transform the worldview of believers, so they see themselves as having been blessed in order to be a blessing to all people groups.


KAIROS is a nine-session course that covers four major areas:

Biblical – We discover that mission lies at the center of God’s concern and that an

overriding theme throughout the whole Bible is God blessing His people to be a blessing to all people groups.

Historical – God’s mission purpose can be seen throughout history. We gain much from studying the past successes and failures of the church in the area of mission expansion.

Strategic – We learn about strategy and key mission strategies that bear fruit in reaching unreached people groups in today’s world. Every believer and church has a significant role to play.

Cultural – Mission involves crossing cultures. We learn what culture is and see what it takes to communicate and make disciples in a culture different from our own.


KAIROS uses a variety of learning methods and activities such as:

- Devotional Teaching

- Prayer for Least Reached Peoples

- Introductions to Readings

- Video Teachings

- Readings

- Worksheets

- Small Group Interaction

- Special Cultural Activities

KAIROS can be conducted using several formats. The most common format is one evening a week for nine weeks. It can also be conducted over several weekends or as an intensive course over four and a half days.

Youth Kairos

Designed specially for teenagers, the Youth Kairos courses invites a young person to discover their part in God’s constantly unfolding story, and challenges them to take small steps to make big difference for God.


The Youth Kairos (YK) course is a guided learning experience, specifically designed to help young people discover how they can be part of the World Christian Movement.


YK provides an overview of the Biblical, Historical, Cultural and Strategic aspects of mission study, and encourages reflection on how these might relate to everyday life. It is designed for young discipled Christians. The course includes reading, videos, discussions, and special activities that help young people engage with concepts on mission and God’s love for the nations, and reflect on their own role in God’s story.


YK is a facilitated course, ideally run over three and a half days (though the sessions can be distributed over more days) in a youth group or campus ministry setting as part of a discipleship program.

The Unfinished Story

Throughout human history, God’s story of redemption has blossomed steadily towards its glorious conclusion. Embark on a journey with your church or discipleship group as you dive into The Unfinished Story together.


The Unfinished Story provides an exciting overview of the mission of God from Genesis, through the gospels and more than two thousand years of the world Christian movement to where we are today.

This course is designed to inspire, educate and challenge God’s people in our time, to engage with God in what is arguably the generation that offers the potential for the greatest harvest ever! The Unfinished story will help form a Biblical worldview that sees our participation with God in mission as both an exciting adventure and, even more importantly, what it means to be a true follower of Jesus.


The Unfinished Story uses a variety of learning methods and interactive activities, such as:

  • Inspirational teaching videos covering the biblical, historical, strategic and cultural areas of mission concern in a way that makes mission easily understood.
  • Supplementary videos complement and reinforce the teaching and other activities in each session.
  • Prayer for the least reached peoples, both globally as well as those living in our own cities and communities.
  • Stimulating interactive group discussions where each participant shares what the Lord is saying to them personally through the material in each session.


This course is designed to be conducted in a small group setting within a local church as a standard part of a local church’s discipleship program. It can also be run via an online platform. The recommended format is one night a week for four weeks.

Empowered To Influence

What is the connection between our work and worship? In a course that both inspires and challenges, Ken Chua invites us to consider how the two are intrinsically connected, and how God’s people can be Empowered to Influence, wherever we are placed.


The EMPOWERED TO INFLUENCE (ETI) Course will benefit every believer, but especially those who are in the workplace. This is an eight session facilitated course that uses videos of Singaporean businessman Ken Chua.  Ken teaches on seven paradigm shifts that need to take place for every believer to become effective salt and light for God in their places of influence.


The purpose of ETI is to help believers:

  • take on new biblical paradigms to live effectively as salt and light that impacts their spheres of influence for God’s glory.
  • see their everyday vocation in life as a platform to live out their call for God’s Kingdom.
  • develop a 24/7 worshipping lifestyle that brings them into a much deeper and joyful relationship with God.


ETI can be conducted using different formats and often online as well as in person. Each session runs for about an hour and can be integrated into a regular weekly Bible study or small group meeting in a local church.


Introduction: The Mandate to Influence the World

Paradigm #1: A Correct Understanding of Worship

Paradigm #2: Labour…. Premier Worship

Paradigm #3: Worship that Adds Value to Communities

Paradigm #4: Works in the Church and Works of the Church

Paradigm #5: Growing the Church into a Movement

Paradigm #6: An Understanding of the Source of Influence

Paradigm #7:  The Need to Plant Salt and Light in Communities Without Witnesses

Mobi 101

Mobi 101 is an introductory seminar in mobilization designed firstly, to provide a Biblical basis for the ministry of mobilization and secondly, to differentiate between the various mobilization ministry expressions. This seminar is helpful for those who feel called to the ministry of mobilization, to identify the precise mobilization expression God has called them to and where they can be most fruitful and find the most joy in their mobilization ministry.